Somatic Reflex Therapy

The focus of Somatic Reflex Therapy is connecting the mind and body to offer a pathway and provide a supportive framework for the release of held energy due to old stories, habits, patterns, small traumas and chronic stress. 

By focusing on the mind body connection, Somatic Reflex Therapy aims to help regulate the central nervous system, by calming the adrenal glands and the overproduction of cortisol, and supporting the vagus nerve. This dual approach is key to calming feelings of anxiety and stress, which offers room to feel safe enough to begin the healing journey 

Within the holistic healing work that I offer, I have threaded together my knowledge, wisdom, holistic education and experiences creating space for compassionate and mindful conversations for discovery and healing. 

This allows you to find your voice, release that which no longer serves you while the mind/body connection becomes aware of truth hidden deep within. 

Somatic Reflex Therapy is a unique offering that will reach deep within and heal all parts of you. 

  • 2 hour sessions $200.00 

  • or purchase Five 2 hour sessions for $850.00 

Offered at Bainbridge Yoga House.

Have questions about these programs? Want to set up a clarity call? Send an email and I will get back to you!

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