About Connie


Here I am

“Becoming oneself is an ever-changing process

I am a believer in all things possible.

I am a mother of three amazing daughters and a nana to three amazing grandbabies.

I am a creator.

I am a trauma-informed guide, mentor, coach, and advocate for women on their journey back home.

I am a seeker of ongoing awareness and understanding of all living things.

I am a Reflexologist, TIMBo facilitator, yoga instructor, BodyTalk practitioner and essential oil alchemist.

I am a student of E.F.T., H.L.N., and anchoring into the workings of your nervous system on our
healing journey.

I am the co-founder of Give to Heal a 501(c)3 created to help women in trauma.

I am a navigator to the magic of following our
North Star.

I am a survivor/thriver of domestic abuse.

I am a student of life.

I am a holder of safe space as you take your journey into The Art of Becoming.

I am a creator of The Art of Becoming as I thread all of my wisdom, knowledge, training, teachings, practical and life experiences together.

Each layer of these pieces were the guides as I created The Art of Becoming Offerings.

I am a firm believer in giving as much as you receive.

For all who decide to step into life wholeheartedly through the 6-month offering, I will gift a woman in trauma a 1-hour session.

Giving Back

A big part of my healing journey was creating an avenue to serve women. I allowed myself time to really feel and think about what I needed when I was in the middle of releasing myself from the trauma of a domestic abusive marriage. I needed humanness, I needed to feel safe among humans. In that safety I needed healing touch. I began my Holistic Healing business about 10 years ago. I soon realized women who were in deep need for my services, were women in trauma, and most likely were not just impacted by physical or emotional trauma but financial trauma as well and so Give to Heal was born.

Give to Heal - 501(c)3

I co-founded Give to Heal with my dear friend Ann Strickland. We created Give to Heal to provide women impacted by trauma access to Holistic Healing Practices. Give to Heal connects women in need and with no financial resources to the Holistic Healing services they need to heal. Check us out and if you feel called to please donate to the healing of women impacted by trauma.

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