One-on-One Offerings

Once you truly, sincerely decide, miracles will happen. 

My gift is the innate ability to recognize hidden “Small Traumas” that may be causing you to live in a fog of unawareness and inability to understand what is holding you back. 

My work is to empower you to gently move through your “Small Trauma’s” which connect to limiting beliefs, held stories, patterns and behaviors that prevent you from creating a life of all things possible. 

One on One Sessions are a unique way to build a safe and meaningful relationship between client and coach.  

In working one and one with you, my intention is to meet you where you are, really hear you as you walk the path to healing, with compassion and non-judgment. 

We will be working together in partnership as we create sessions that are tailored specific to you and you alone. 

Here I will coach, mentor, guide, offer healing touch and advocate for you.

Opening up to Healing 

1:1 Offering
12 weeks - 60 minutes a session

Your deeper journey begins here. 

You will learn new healthy somatic skills that help you be able to quiet your mind and body and allow you to respond instead of reacting  to triggering experiences. 

You will establish the capacity to open up and stand true to your values and the truth that you hold sacred to who you are. 

You will begin to feel comfortable being curious and dig into what you envision your life to be. 

We will create time to explore and clarify your unique purpose in life. 

In navigating your purpose and creating achievable goals, connecting to your healing process you will open space to create a life of all things possible.


$1700 paid in full

Monthly payments of $600.00 a month for 3 months (Please email me to set up this payment option)

Coming Home 

1:1 Offering
24 weeks - 60 minutes a session
Midweek weekly mindset check-in via email/text

Together we will begin at the beginning. 

We will step onto the path of a deeper understanding of the nervous system and how it is the foundation of our mind/body connection. 

This unique 6-month offering will take a deeper, richer dive into all that is covered in Opening Up to Healing 3-month offering. 

As we learn to heal the relationship with our inner self, we gain resilience, capacity, and trust as we build a life of all things possible. 

THIS IS WHERE you will grow a deep awareness and understanding for how your “Small Traumas,” easily got buried underneath the constant and fragile pieces of everyday life. This awareness will begin the biggest journey of your life. Your journey into unlocking that which has held you in a place of emptiness for so many years.

THIS IS WHERE you will begin to see the open door to the life you have dreamed of living.

THIS IS WHERE the path widens, bringing together your healing body/mind connection with wisdom and compassion. 

THIS IS WHERE awareness and understanding become part of your everyday life. 

THIS IS WHERE the connection to self begins to feel safe enough to allow expansion. 

THIS IS WHERE you gain clarity; discovering and implementing all that inspires you as you create your wholehearted purposeful life from a mind/body connection of self-compassion, wisdom, and worthiness. 

THIS IS WHERE together we spend time working on life balance within The Elements of Your Life 

THIS IS WHERE your awareness of letting go and stepping in creates a gentle place for you to create your life of all things possible. 


$3000 paid in full

Monthly payments $525 a month for 6 months (Please email me to set up this payment option)

Have questions about these programs? Want to set up a clarity call? Send an email and I will get back to you!

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