Inspired Living

20 Weeks

Who will benefit from Inspired Living? 

  • You have taken Inspired Healing and are ready to dig deeper and create a new whole and purposeful life.

  • You are ready to look at all the aspects of your life and create balance within them all.

  • You are ready to unleash any remaining stories, old patterns, self judgement that is still keeping you int he world of “stuckness”

  • You are ready to use all the wisdom, knowledge and trust that you gain from Inspired Healing.

  • Imagination and dreaming become part of your life and how you live into it.

  • You are open to new tools and skills such as breathwork, vagal toning, tapping, micro yessing, somatic movements and more

  • You are more than ready to put all this wisdom together to take action and create each aspect of living your fullest life within your Life Story.

What is covered?

MODULE 1: Befriending the Nervous System 

  • Gathering and Understanding the power of your nervous system

  • The Cycle, Beliefs, Emotions, Thoughts,Words, Actions, Results

  • Awareness of the Mask we wear to cope, getting unstuck. 

  • How it all works together around small trauma

MODULE 2: Cultivating Safety Within 

  • The powerof a regulated nervous system, the gift of safety

  • Creating your inner sanctuary 

  • Embracing self compassion, self care, self love while releasing self judgement 

  • Who would you be if you lived in self love 

MODULE 3: Just imagine 

  • Just Imagine. 

  • Living n Glimmers 

  • Dream Big 

  • Creating your blueprint of all things possible 

MODULE 4: What is your LIfeCreation 

  • The gift of creating while living in the present moment 

  • Discover your: 

○ Your place in this world 

○ Your Being 

○ Your vision 

○ Your purpose 

○ The journey of taking action 

  • Learning to manage taking action. 

MODULE 5: Taking Action 

  • Discover what you desire in your important pillar 

  • How do we get there 

  • Using all your new skills and tools to create all things possible within that pillar 

  • The next steps on this journey called Life 

  • Awareness and confidence on your life goals. 

  • Create your final blueprint to get from here to there 

  • Take Action

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