An Art of Becoming: Life Lesson

So many lessons appear when you are open to them. 

This one, right here has been sitting on my shoulder for several years and I read this quote and I realized the truth of it.  “Whatever you swept under the rug, you sweep straight into your nervous system”  

Growing up much got swept under the rug, I was young and didn't really understand, it just felt like chaos alot of the time.

What seemed to be a pretty “normal” family, looked that way because anything that did not want to be addressed lived under the rug. 

 Into my adulthood and doing my personal work, this never really came up until the last couple of years. 

That crazy feeling I experience around my family begin to make sense. 

For us what came along with “sweeping things under the rug” was ½ truths and resentment.  

Stories were different from one family member to the next. 

 So in my adulthood, I married twice. 

An alcoholic and an abuser.  

The outcome of a dysregulated nervous system that could never calm down enough to have clarity. 

And so, here I am.  I am healing from the outcome of living in a situation that not only kept me dysregulated, and making unhealthy choices.  I passed the learned behavior onto my daughters.  

I have to say, they have found their voices, sometimes reacting a bit wildly, instead of responding….but they don't let things go unresolved. 

My family of origin is still stuck with broom in hand and old stories under the rug.  

I am a bit of a lone wolf that had to find a different ways as it was making me feel crazy.

What I know for me is that I have to stop sweeping. 

I love my sisters and my mom, and I love myself.  The only person I can control is me.  

And so, I am super grateful for the lesson, my nervous system lives more balanced and I am in a different kind of relationship with my family. 

The family reaction is somewhat like what happens when we finally set healthy and healing boundaries, there is alot of push back.  

Humans don't like change, and change I have. 

 I am still working on ways to talk with my family, try to find solutions and have everyone feel safe enough to choose talking issue through instead of finding the nearest broom.

 So I ask, do you come from a family of “sweeping things under the rug” ? 

Remember, the rug is full of old stories that are turning your nervous system inside out. 

What does that really mean? 

Do you often wonder why you feel  “stuck” and can't quite get to the other side of things? 

Could it be from living in a state of fight or flight as you try to navigate your world? 

Do you get this feeling of “craziness” when you go home to visit your family of origin? 

Could it be from all the secrets hidden under the rug? 

Do you think it is time to lift up the rug, give you nervous system a fighting chance to quiet itself and live more often than not in rest and relax? 

 This is one big part work we do as I facilitate both 

Inspired Healing and Inspired Living. 

Small safe women's circles where you learn and grow, release, discovery and create within a small healing community.

Always with love, 

“ Whatever you sweep under the rug, you sweep right into your nervous system”