The Art of Healing

with Intention

Monthly Membership Offering

Each month: 

  • Week One:  1 live Group Coaching Session

  • Week Two: 1 live Group Q and A Session

  • Week 3: You will have the opportunity to sign up and be coached within our group session.  My goal is to coach 1:1 3 women @ 15 minutes each.

  • Week 4: We will have a live Reflection and Intention Session.

  • Acccess to a resource “ Library

  • 10% off all other programs offered in The Art of Becoming

These sessions are powerful, not only do the women being coached  benefit, the community of all members in Heal with Intention benefit and learn skills and strategies and compassion. We will build a community based on safety and compassion, sharing thoughts and feelings about the previous month, as well as set intentions for the upcoming month.

We will also connect on The Art of Healing with Intention Facebook Group, a place to connect even deeper with women walking the path of healing.

Enrollment for Healing with Intention Membership will be open each quarter.

We will soon be opening up for our next enrollment. Join our waitlist to be notified when our next group opens.

Have questions about these programs? Want to set up a clarity call? Send an email and I will get back to you!

Stay in touch.

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